The Verge
How humans are engineering the future of coral reefs
NBC News
Extreme ocean temperatures threaten to wipe out Caribbean coral
America’s most iconic coral reef is dying. Only one thing will save it.
Deutsche Welle
In Florida, ocean restoration groups help preserve reefs
Fox Weather
Earth sees hottest 3 months on record with unprecedented sea surface temperatures, extreme weather
Deutsche Welle
Warmer seas – Climate change in Florida
Las altas temperaturas amenazan los arrecifes de corales de los Cayos de Florida: explicamos por qué es tan grave
The NY Times: The Daily Podcast
Why the Coral Reef Crisis Is a Problem for All of Us
The Washington Post
What’s killing Florida’s coral reefs — and why you should care
NBC Nightly News: Kid's Edition
Just what exactly is a coral reef?
The Detroit News
Florida’s coral is in hot water
Fox Weather
Shocking’: Florida coral reef found completely bleached as marine heat wave continues
CBS News
Marine Heat Wave Threatening Florida’s Coral Reefs
Los Angeles Times
Go underwater with the scientists rushing to rescue coral from the Lower 48’s only barrier reef
The Verge
A killer ocean heatwave is decimating Florida’s corals / Scientists are racing to relocate corals…
The New York Times
Coral Reefs Heat Florida Ocean Temperatures
CBS News Miami
What is happening to the coral reefs?
Florida researchers rush to save thousands of corals from historic ocean heat
USA Today
100% coral mortality’ found at Florida Keys reef due to rising temperatures, restoration group says