Research Collaborations Form

Work With Us

Thank you in your interest in a research collaboration. This form is required for all projects that request support from CRF. Support may be in the form of one or more of the following: coral samples, CRF Coral Nursery access, use of CRF resources (such as staff time or equipment), financial support, or formal collaboration. CRF has an operational plan and schedules that require submission up to six months in advance of potential project support. Rapid response project support is limited, but sometimes available. Projects that receive CRF support are required to file Project Update Reports and Final Reports. If support is provided, a CRF Project Number will be issued that must be cited in all correspondence related to the project and any publications that result from CRF support. In some cases, CRF may enter into MOUs or contracts if warranted by the breadth and scope of the project.
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Are there other investigators to add?
Was the project peer reviewed?
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Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
The level of CRF support varies depending on each project’s goals. Examples of types of CRF support below: Diving support (days in CRF’s coral nurseries, CRF diver assistance, access to restoration sites). Nursery corals (species, number of genotypes, number and size of colonies). Transplantation (species, number of and size of colonies, locations). Data (type of data, goals of data analysis, plan for publication).