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CRF™ Public Snorkel Program with ReefQuest

April 3

Join ReefQuest and Coral Restoration Foundation™ on a one of a kind snorkeling trip to the Tavernier Nursery, Coral Restoration Foundation’s and the world’s largest coral nursery and nearby restoration site.

All programs begin with an educational session before the snorkel trip! Coral Restoration Foundation™ representatives will join on to explain restoration work and, weather pending, demonstrate coral outplanting while snorkelers explore from above. Please note that this is a snorkeling opportunity only!

This program incurs the dive operator cost and a $50 per person donation to Coral Restoration Foundation™ directly during the morning educational session. Please contact ReefQuest for snorkel rates, explore their website at reefquesttours.com, or click on the “Sign Up Now” button to learn more!


April 3
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