
Tracking Impact

We monitor the progress of our restoration work using photomosaics. Photomosaics are huge, composite images of reef sites created by stitching together thousands of smaller images.
The high-resolution image that is produced allows us to measure increases in coral coverage with an incredible degree of accuracy.


Recording increases in coral coverage, rather than tracking the survivorship of individual corals, provides a much better picture of the impact of our restoration work. Photomosaic monitoring takes into consideration the way in which corals grow and fuse together.

Other Benefits

Photomosaics also document changes to the reefscape and other underwater habitats and can also be shared with other groups looking to answer additional questions about coral reef ecology.


Our photomosaic techniques and our other restoration methods are comprehensively detailed in regularly updated restoration manuals on our website.


CRF has developed an all-in-one pipeline to democratize access to photomosaic technology for coral reef restoration, CeruleanAI.

Photomosaic generation and analysis require significant time and computing power to both stitch the mosaics and then analyze the image files that may be gigapixels in resolution and gigabytes in file size. CeruleanAI has been designed to make the creation, storage, and analysis of coral photomosaics nearly 100% hands-off, with little to no expertise necessary.

Learn more

Photomosaic manuals

All of our methods are open access. Our photomosaic techniques are clearly outlined in a regularly updated and freely available manual. Hit the button to learn more!

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