Where We Work

CRF Global Satellite Programs

CRF Satellite Programs are developed and directly managed by CRF. We build these initiatives from the ground up, applying established CRF techniques, expertise, and resources to the unique needs of each community. Working together with local governments and communities, we ensure that our efforts align with local priorities and contribute to the long-term health of specific marine ecosystems.



At Long Reef, St. Croix, we will be establishing nurseries, collecting corals for propagation and banking, coral, and outplanting around 7,000 corals across different species.

Restoration efforts will focus on Long Reef – one of six priority sites listed in the Virgin Islands Coral Reef Restoration Plan.

As of 2024

  • We have successfully captured baseline photomosaics of nearly 20,000m² of reef sites. These areas will be our focus for outplanting over the coming years.
  • We have now established a Coral Tree Nursery with 22 Coral Trees and five nursery tables for non-Acroporid broodstock
  • We are caring for around 2,400 non-Acroporid coral plugs, around 300 broodstock non-Acroporid corals, and around 800 individual elkhorn colonies for a total of around 3,500 total corals
  • We are currently working with eight species: Acropora palmata (elkhorn coral), Diploria labyrinthiformis (grooved brain coral), Montastraea cavernosa (great star coral), Orbicella annularis (boulder star coral), Orbicella faveolata (mountainous star coral), Orbicella franksi (boulder star coral), Pseudodiploria clivosa (knobby brain coral), and Pseudodiploria strigosa (symmetrical brain coral).
  • We have one full-time staff member on the ground, and have trained and are now employing 15 local contractual divers for daily field work

More satellite programs coming

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We are ready to support coral restoration efforts around the world. If a CRF program could help your community to rebuild your reefs, get in touch! We’d love to help.

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