Restoration Manuals
At Coral Restoration Foundation, we have nearly two decades of experience operating at an ever-increasing scale. In the open access coral restoration manuals below, you will find details of the lessons we have learned along the way, and the standard operating procedures that we currently have in place.

Lessons Learned for Increased Scalability of In-Situ Coral Restoration Efforts
AUTHORS: Jessica S. Levy, Kayla J. Ripple, and R. S. Winters, Coral Restoration Foundation, Association of Zoos and Aquariums

Coral Restoration Foundation Photomosaic Manual
AUTHORS: Alexander M. Neufeld and Garrett Fundakowski
Coral Restoration Foundation

Coral Restoration Foundation Boulder Coral (Orbicella spp) Methodology for In-situ, Large-scale Restoration
AUTHORS: Dan Burdeno, Bailey Thomasson, Amelia Moura, Jessica S Levy, Coral Restoration Foundation

Coral Restoration Foundation 3-Dimensional Monitoring Manual | FIRST EDITION
AUTHORS: Alexander Neufeld, Max Alperstein Coral Restoration Foundation
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