Leading the way
To address the urgent crisis facing our coral reefs, it is imperative that we work together, simultaneously at multiple scales.
To accomplish this, the Coral Restoration Consortium was established - a high-level community of practice that comprises scientists, managers, coral restoration practitioners, and educators dedicated to enabling coral reef ecosystems to adapt and survive the 21st century and beyond.
Reef Futures 2018 brought together experts from around the world to share the latest science and techniques for coral reef restoration while kicking off a global effort to dramatically scale-up the impact and reach of restoration as a major tool for coral reef conservation and management.
CRC Position Paper & Mission Statement
The development of a consortium emerged as a priority recommendation from the November 2016 “Workshop to Advance the Science and Practice of Caribbean Coral Restoration.” The CRC is a community of practice that comprises scientists, managers, coral restoration practitioners, and educators dedicated to enabling coral reef ecosystems to adapt and survive the 21st century and beyond. The CRC’s mission is to foster collaboration and technology transfer among participants, and to facilitate scientific and practical ingenuity to demonstrate that restoration can achieve meaningful results at scales relevant to reefs in their roles of protecting coastlines, supporting fisheries, and serving as economic engines for coastal communities.
The CRC is forming with full recognition that saving the world’s coral reefs will be difficult and requires a multi-pronged approach. Immediate and aggressive action on climate change is paramount for the long-term survival of reefs; however, carbon already committed to the atmosphere will continue to warm ocean waters to a level inhospitable to corals for decades to come.
Thus, the problem needs to be simultaneously addressed at multiple scales. Globally, aggressive action is required to reverse climate change; regionally, integrated networks of protected reef ecosystems are needed to ensure that corals can survive and adapt; and locally, as threats such as overfishing and pollution are managed, we need to repopulate target reefs with resilient, genetically diverse and reproductively viable corals. This active and targeted coral repopulation using novel ecological interventions is one way we may buy tropical reefs time to adapt to changing ocean conditions so that they may thrive in the future.
To help increase the scale and efficiency of coral restoration, we are focusing on the following topical priorities for the next three to five years. For each priority a dedicated Working Group is being formed to develop solutions-oriented action plans and to help establish best management practices.
The priorities are:
● Scaling-up in-water, land-based, and larval propagation
● Designing projects to demonstrate multi-species ecosystem functioning and coastal protection
● Coordinating and fostering genetics science into adaptive restoration
● Developing restoration monitoring guidelines and common-access data platforms
The CRC will initially focus efforts on Caribbean coral restoration, but we invite participation from scientists, managers, and practitioners working in other regions to help expand knowledge and collaboration. If successful in the Caribbean and resources permit we look forward to helping spread restoration efforts globally.
To get involved with the CRC and receive e-mail updates on the CRC’s development, newsletters with scholarly information on restoration, quarterly webinar announcements, and information on how to join Working Groups CLICK HERE.
Check out the CRC website – soon to feature an expanded “Reef Restoration Toolkit.”
Watch restoration webinars.
Attend the next CRC webinar on Wed Aug 9th – a live stream of the Coral Reef Ecosystem Restoration Workshop during the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force Meeting.
Watch the ground-breaking film Chasing Coral streaming on Netflix starting July 14th.
For general inquiries on the CRC please email coral.restoration@noaa.gov or contact the coordinator, Tali Vardi (NOAA), or the co-chairs, Scott Winters (Coral Restoration Foundation) or Tom Moore (NOAA).
Sincerely, the Coral Restoration Consortium Executive Team & Steering Committee:
CRC Executive Team:
Tom Moore, NOAA Restoration Center
Scott Winters, Coral Restoration Foundation
Petra MacGowan, Reef Resilience Network
Petra Lundgren, Great Barrier Reef Foundation
CRC Steering Committee:
Les Kauffman, Boston University
Ilsa Kuffner, U.S. Geological Society
Phanor Montoya Maya, Corales de Paz
Sandrine Privard, U.N. Environment
David Gulko, Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources
Joe Pollock, The Nature Conservancy
David Suggett, University of Technology-Sydney
Buki Rinkevich, National Institute of Oceanology