CRF™ Joins Global Partnership Boosting Collaboration to Cave Coral Reefs

CRF™ has been officially welcomed as a member of the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), as announced during the 37th ICRI General Meeting in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.

ICRI is an internationally recognized global partnership between nations and coral reef organizations dedicated to the protection of the world’s coral reefs and associated ecosystems. ICRI initiatives have drawn attention and acknowledgment from esteemed bodies including the United Nations, recognition which highlights the critical relationship between healthy coral ecosystems and thriving global communities.

Joining CRF™ in this new ICRI cohort are six other renowned institutions:
• Arizona State University
• The Coral Research & Development Accelerator Platform (CORDAP)
• MSC Foundation
• SECORE International
• Suganthi Devadason Marine Research Institute (SDMRI)

Jessica Levy and Phanor Montoya-Maya at the 37th ICRI General Meeting in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.

Other highlights from the 37th ICRI meeting included an emphasis on the importance of indigenous wisdom in reef conservation, the introduction of the Coral Reef Breakthrough, planning for the next GCRMN Global Report, and an all-female panel discussion on devising response plans. A significant move was the development of a platform for youth perspectives, ensuring their voices are part of future ICRI actions.

CRF™ Director of Restoration Strategy, Jessica Levy presented the Foundation’s membership application to the committee. She says, “Joining ICRI is a milestone for CRF™ – it helps deepen our focus on global collaboration and support, facilitating our engagement with international experts. As we look to the future, we’re energized by the prospect of increased collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and united action. Working together is the only way to move the needle for life in our oceans. Coming together is the only way we solve any of the challenges of the post-modern world.

Written by: CRF

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