Glunz Reserves Room for Coral Reefs

Glunz Ocean Beach Hotel & Resort provides educational material for visitors to learn more about Coral Restoration Foundation™ and how they can get involved during their time in the Keys and beyond. Guests also have the chance to donate to CRF™ on their check-in form. _x000D_

We talked with Heather Lewis, General Hotel Manager of Glunz Ocean Beach Hotel & Resort, about her passion for the ocean and her childhood in the Florida Keys. _x000D_

What is your earliest memory of the ocean?_x000D_
I’ve lived here in the Florida Keys my entire life (43 years). I grew up in Grassy Key, and I can remember my father taking my sister and I to the sandbars in Valhalla to walk and explore sea life. We would find many conch shells, starfish, horseshoe crabs, black spiny sea urchin and bone fish._x000D_

What is your favorite marine creature?_x000D_
I love dolphins and turtles, but I’d have to say my favorite would be the Whale Shark because they are so beautiful, unbelievably large and gentle. _x000D_

Have you experienced a healthy coral reef ecosystem? If so where, and how did it make you feel?_x000D_
Yes! Sombrero Reef and Looe Key Reef many, many years ago. I felt like I was in another world. It absolutely took my breath away seeing so many beautiful colors and creatures of the sea. _x000D_

Have you seen a badly degraded reef system? How did that make you feel?_x000D_
Yes. Unfortunately the reefs are not what they use to be, and it makes me sad to see our marine life becoming so colorless and limited.  _x000D_

What concerns or scares you the most about climate change?_x000D_
What scares me is that eventually the beauty and life that our reefs once had will be completely gone and how horrible that would be for all marine creatures as they need a home too._x000D_

Why do you, personally, care about coral reefs?_x000D_
They’re beautiful. They provide so much life and homes for sea creatures, filter our ocean and protect our shorelines._x000D_

Why is protecting and restoring coral reefs relevant to your brand?_x000D_
We are a private resort with 400 feet of white sand beach that enters right into the Atlantic Ocean. It is very important to us that our coral reefs are protected and restored because:_x000D_
We have already lost so much of our coast line due to high winds, tropical storms and hurricanes. If protected and restored, it would help not only our beach but many others that are being washed away.

Having our marine life protected with shelter and their natural habitats would help our coral reefs grow into a beautiful location for all to explore and respect it’s importance._x000D_
Why should the average person care about coral reefs?_x000D_
It’s where we get a huge supply of our food from! If fish don’t have a healthy place to spawn, they will eventually die off and there will be no more._x000D_

In your opinion, what are some of the most powerful tools at our disposal that we can apply to the mission to save coral reefs?_x000D_
People. We need to come together as a community by putting up signs of support, adding more trash cans, and organizing clean-ups along the coast line. We need more Coast Guard and FWC officials enforcing the laws by patrolling the sandbars, dive spots and fisherman. _x000D_

What do you think are some of the easiest ways that the average person can join the mission to save coral reefs from extinction?_x000D_
Beach clean-ups! I already see people taking action by volunteering to pick up trash out of the mangroves and along the seashore. Also, stop taking and abusing coral in the ocean. Respect that it’s there for a reason, and it’s working to detoxify our oceans.  

Do you think there is hope for our coral reefs? Why?_x000D_
I want to say yes, and I want to hope for yes. It took many years to slowly destroy our coral reefs so it’s going to take many years to get it back to the way it use to be. With that being said, we need strong-minded, educated and dedicated people that will take this matter seriously. We also need to donate funds to help protect and restore our coral reefs.

Written by: CRF